EMERGENCY: Congolese girls evicted from their homes
Dearest ZP supporters, right now 46 Congolese refugee girls along with their babies and children have been evicted from their homes in Uganda and are on the street.
I have been working with them for a month, loving them and sharing with them about how much Jesus loves them. They have decided to leave their lives of prostitution which they were only involved in for survival. Read more below.
I found a home to put them in so they can start a new life, but we need $1,600 by tomorrow just to pay the rent for 6 months. Maybe you watch the news and wonder what you can do: You can directly affect someone else's life in Africa right now. Please give to Zion Project: http://www.zionproject.org and indicate "Congolese" or send a check to P.O. Box 321 Quinque, VA 22965.
with hope,
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