(me with Zion PRoject volunteers at War/Dance screening with directors, Sean & Andrea Fine)
For Churches: By establishing dynamic relationships with churches, we provide the opportunity for congregations to unite and embody change and in turn bringing support and attention to the people of Northern Uganda. Churches play an essential role in meeting the physical needs of distressed people and bringing healing in a devastated region. In the future, we hope to bring teams over to learn, establish relationships, to build, and to bring the love of God.
For Individuals:
-Sign up on the Zion Project website to receive newsletters (http://www.zionproject.org/)
-Educate yourself (http://www.resolveuganda.org/)
-Send a letter to your Congressman
-Attend Uganda Lobby Days (http://www.ugandalobbyday.com/)
-Go to an art-exhibit to support child mothers (http://www.saritahartz.com/)
-PRAY—get on a prayer list or develop a prayer team
-Network—introduce ZP to your friends, family, bible studies
-Host a benefit party for ZP
-Give of your resources (ZP is very accountable for all donations)
-Give your time & talents---use your God-given gifts to volunteer with Zion Project ( sarita@zionproject.org)
-Research Grants and help write them
-Give legal counsel
-Web-development and maintenance talents
-Event planning
- Administrative & accounting
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