Monday, December 03, 2007

Now make tax-deductible donations directly to Zion Project!!
Send to:

2424 S. Culpeper St.
Arlington, VA 22206
visit our website:

Grace Akallo has partnered with Zion Project!
Grace is a former girl child soldier and author of the book Girl Soldier. To buy your copy visit:
Grace will be working with Sarita to develop programs in Northern Uganda and will be advocating for the
rights of girl child soldiers and child mothers in the United States.


I quit my teaching job to do ZP full-time. Right now both Grace and I are volunteering but hope to come on staff (if you would like to support me as a missionary to Uganda please contact me!)

We now have an amazing accountant and 11 very dedicated volunteers both in DC & at JMU
We drafted our budget and plans for building homes & a school for child mothers

Peace process continues to move forward but thousands are still stuck in camps (for more up to date news and how you can help visit one of our partners:

WE ARE ON Make it your homepage and select ZP as your charity of choice. Also shop your favorite stores online with GOODSHOP and we receive a small percentage of what you buy!!!


My plan is to move over to Uganda in the summer of 2008 as the country director to continue development of our work on the ground with our Ugandan partners

One of our first projects will be training & employing our girls in beautiful African purse-making and in baby-slings which will be sold in the US

Child mother PHOTO EXHIBIT (pictures they took of their own lives from the cameras we brought over in January) FEB '08

JMU Child Soldier Awareness Week – Feb 18-23 (organized by ZP)with speakers Grace Akallo, Faith McDonnell, Michael Poffenberger & others

We hope to have the website up-to-date with news soon! (be patient :)

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